Qeridoo accessories baby seat dark grey
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Qeridoo accessories baby seat dark grey
Until now, the experience of exploring the world in the Qeridoo buggies was only possible for babies who could already sit up on their own. With the new baby seats, even the very little ones can now come along on trips. The practical accessories for the Qeridoo strollers enable versatile and long-term use. Unlike conventional hammocks for babies, the baby seat can be used from the first month of life until the baby can sit up on its own. [divider] [section bg_color="rgb(240, 240, 240)" padding="59px" height="300px" border="1px 0px 0px 0px" border_color="rgb(235, 235, 235)"] [row style="large" v_align="middle" h_align="center"] [col span="4" span__sm="12" padding="15px 15px 15px 15px" bg_color="rgb(255, 255, 255)" depth="2" depth_hover="5"] [ux_image id="4285"] [/col] [col span="7" span__sm="12" align="center"] [ux_text text_align="left"]
Maximum safety thanks to 5-point harness
A restraint system with 5-point safety belts is installed to ensure that your baby sits firmly in the safety seat at all times and with every movement. In addition, the length of the belt can be adjusted to the size of your child using the Smart Lock system. The baby seat can be used up to a maximum body weight of 12 kg and is available in two color variations. [/ux_text] [/col] [col span="6" span__sm="12"]
The Qeridoo Buggy grows with you
The Qeridoo grows with your child so that you can use it throughout the different stages of life. The seat, belts and push handles can be individually adjusted. Compatible car seat shells are available so that you can put your toddler straight from the car into the buggy. Even the very little ones can discover the world in buggy and trailer mode from the first month of life. Retrofittable hammocks and baby seats are also available. See for yourself the many perfectly thought-out details: whether magnetic locks that let you open the trunk silently when your child is sleeping, the height-adjustable handle that serves as a roll bar in trailer mode or the unique head protectors that offer a lateral safety distance and are therefore not only practical but also unrivalled in terms of safety - Qeridoo has thought of everything. [/col] [col span="4" span__sm="12"] [ux_image id="4206" image_size="1536x1536" width="91"] [/col] [/row] [/section] [divider]
Maximum comfort and safety
The Qeridoo baby seat promises pleasant lying comfort. Thanks to the soft padding and the special shape of the safety shell, an ergonomic and back-friendly posture is supported. The height-adjustable headrest and the side impact protection provide special protection for the sensitive head and torso area. The floating position provides an additional spring effect and carries the baby gently and safely to sleep. [accordion] [accordion-item title="Product overview"]
- Safe transport system for infants who cannot yet sit
- Baby transport possible in all operating modes
- Maximum body weight: 12 kg
- Lying area: 76 cm / Width: 22 to 24 cm
- Available in two color variations (light gray / dark gray)
- Padded sturdy ABS safety shell
- all-round protection
- Ergonomic and back-friendly posture thanks to soft padding and the special shape
- Breathable cover
- spring effect thanks to hanging storage
- Can be used in one- and two-seater
- Height-adjustable headrest with extended side impact protection protects the sensitive head and torso area
- Allows the transport of an infant next to a toddler
- Children's stroller can be folded with built-in baby seat (Kidgoo and Sportrex)
- 5-point safety harness with Smart Lock function can be adjusted to suit the size of the child
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title="Compatibility"]
- Kidgoo 1 + 2
- QUPA 1 + 2
- Sportrex 1 + 2
- Speedkid 1 + 2
[/accordion-item] [/accordion]
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