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EXIT ground trampoline Silhouette sports round 427 cm

€426,55 EUR
€426,55 EUR €449,00 EUR
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  • Rundes Bodentrampolin für Sportliche
  • Mit schwarzem Schutzrand
  • Durchmesser: 427 cm
  • ohne Sicherheitsnetz, Nutzung ab 14 Jahren
  • Robustes und langlebiges Material
  • Qualitätsklasse: Bronze

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Lieferzeit: vorr. ca.: 20.04.2025

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EXIT Silhouette sports ground trampolines

Discover the exciting possibilities of ground trampolines and bring fitness and fun to your garden! Safety is our top priority: With a ground trampoline you can jump without worry because the low design minimizes the risk of falls. This makes them the ideal choice, especially for families with children. Enjoy not only the fun, but also the aesthetics: EXIT Silhouette ground trampolines fit seamlessly into any garden and do not affect the overall look. So you can enjoy your garden without worrying, without having to forego the fun. And the best thing: EXIT ground trampolines can even fit in small gardens or outdoor areas! Their flat design makes them particularly space-saving and practical. Whether young or old: The barrier-free surface of EXIT ground trampolines allows everyone to jump and have fun without worrying.

The affordable trampoline for sporty people

The round EXIT Silhouette ground trampoline with a diameter of 427 cm offers enough space for several people and is an affordable model from the EXIT range. The trampoline not only offers first-class jumping comfort, but above all maximum safety when jumping. With its classic design and black protective edge, the trampoline fits into any environment. The trampoline is embedded in the ground and is therefore easier to access. Thanks to its high-quality workmanship, this trampoline for embedded in the ground is a real highlight in the outdoor area. The Silhouette sports ground trampoline was specially developed for sporty jumpers and is also ideal for beginners.

Round trampolines from EXIT for teenagers and adults

The round EXIT Silhouette sports trampoline offers guaranteed jumping fun for young adults and old age! With a diameter of 427 cm, the round EXIT Silhouette trampoline offers space for several people and is an affordable example of the EXIT trampoline range. The delivery includes the jumping mat with a diameter of 370 cm, a black protective edge, 80 galvanized springs of 14.1 cm, 4 metal feet and 4 ground anchors. The evenly tensioned jumping mat and the metal feet ensure a stable and safe jumping environment. A spring hook is included as standard for easy insertion of the springs. The trampoline is quick and easy to set up with the included assembly instructions. Since this Silhouette ground trampoline is delivered without a safety net, it is easily accessible, but only suitable for people aged 14 and over.

Safety when jumping with Foot Protection System

The EXIT Silhouette ground trampoline with a diameter of 427 cm offers not only fun, but also safety. Thanks to the innovative EXIT Foot Protection System (FPS), trampoliners can never get their feet caught between the springs. The robust frame and stable springs ensure that the jumping mat is taut and therefore extra safe. This trampoline is supplied without a safety net, so use is only recommended for children aged 14 and over. Safety is the top priority with the Silhouette trampolines from EXIT Toys.

High-quality design and durable materials

With the round EXIT Silhouette ground trampoline you not only bring fun, but also a high-quality design into your garden. The galvanized and powder-coated frame ensures a long service life, while the black protective edge with a water-repellent PVC layer offers additional protection. The galvanized springs ensure a smooth jump and a soft landing. The outstanding quality of the EXIT Silhouette trampoline is evident in every detail. The high-quality and reliable protective edge offers optimal protection when jumping and ensures safe jumping fun. The jumping mat is made of polypropylene and the protective edge is made of PVC. The robust material thus ensures a safe jumping experience. The frame made of galvanized and powder-coated metal promises a long service life. The special foot protection system prevents pinching between the springs and enables carefree fun. With the EXIT Silhouette trampoline you can really jump for joy! Experience unforgettable jumping fun for your children. Also discover the ground trampolines from EXIT! The trampoline is delivered in 3 packages. Safety net and ladder are not included.

Marke EXIT

Form Rund

Maß ø 427 cm

hoehe Rahmenhöhe: 20cm vom Boden

Farbe Schwarz

Nutzergewicht max. 120 kg

hoehe ca. 90 Minuten bei 2 Personen

Altersempfehlung ab 14 Jahren

Garantie Sprungtuch 1 Jahr, Federn 1 Jahr, Schutzrand 1 Jahr, Rahmen 2 Jahre

Maximales Testgewicht 600 kg

Wetterbeständig Ja

Prüfsiegel keine

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