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Tonies Audio Figure - Sing Children's Songs - Excavator Mats & his Friends

€16,99 EUR
€16,99 EUR
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Tonies audio play figures

tonies audio play figures are no longer just there for stories - they are also the ultimate partners for experiencing children's songs with joy and enthusiasm. The tonies audio play figures offer a wide range of children's songs from different genres and styles. From traditional folk songs to modern hits, you will find everything that little music lovers will love. They are available in many different designs and versions. To play them, all you need is a tonie box and an internet connection. As soon as a tonie is placed on the tonie box, the corresponding audio play or music starts playing. In the online portal, you can download new audio plays or music content and transfer it to the tonies . The tonies are also collectible figures.

Singing together with the Tonies figures

Singing along to children's songs promotes your child's language development. By listening to and repeating the lyrics, children expand their vocabulary and improve their pronunciation in a playful way. In addition, by listening to and singing along to children's songs, children develop a feeling for rhythm and melody. This lays the foundation for early musical education. Singing together not only strengthens the bond, but also creates happy moments and unforgettable memories. In this way, tonies bring family and friends together. Is your child having a bad day? Music brings joy and good humor into everyday life. The rousing melodies and cheerful lyrics of the children's songs ensure laughter and a good mood for music fans young and old.

Excavator Mats & his friends

From the "Sing Children's Songs" series, your child will learn well-known and many new, great songs about vehicles of all kinds with "Bagger Mats". The likeable little digger Mats is already a hit with all children on YouTube. With the tonies audio play figure, digger Mats now comes into your child's room and introduces his friends: Meet Gustav, the off-road vehicle, Wilma the roller or Hubi, the helicopter. And of course, already known friends such as the garbage truck dad and his child, the red tractor or Bruno, the truck are also there! Construction vehicles, garbage trucks and the vehicles of everyday heroes are always popular with children! The children's songs about tractors, helicopters, cars, ambulances, fire brigades and police, but also about ships and pirates are for everyone to sing along to! In total, you can listen to 20 children's songs with a total running time of 60 minutes with the tonie. The text and composition are by Matthias Ritter and Flo Wolff. Vocals and speech are provided by Emilia Ritter, Matthias Ritter, Carolin Ritter, Lukas Ritter, Flo Wolff, Flo Luig. Tracklist
  1. The Bagger Song (Jack & Mats)
  2. Chin up, little crane (The big crane and the little crane)
  3. The Garbage Truck Song (Tut tut, we're racing through the city)
  4. The Roller Wilma
  5. Animal Coach (Who's Sitting at the Wheel)
  6. The Red Tractor (I am a Trak-Trak-Tractor)
  7. The Train Song (Tuff-tuff-tut)
  8. Bruno the Truck
  9. Sam sailboat
  10. Ahoy, Pirates (The Pirate Song)
  11. Hubi, the helicopter
  12. The Pilot's Song (Over Clouds, Over Mountains)
  13. Gustav, the off-road vehicle
  14. Guessing cars is fun
  15. Peter Pommesmann
  16. The Traffic Jam Song
  17. The Dental Fire Brigade
  18. Three heroes on four wheels (ambulance, fire brigade and police)
  19. The Carriage Song (So Infinitely Free)
  20. The Astronaut Song (Karl, the Astronaut)
Note! Warning. Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Choking hazard. Delivery includes only the tonie, not the tonie box. WiFi with internet connection and tonie box required.

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Der Versand kann leicht variieren, je nach Region. An bestimmten Feiertagen (Weihnachten, Ostern, etc.) kann es ebenso zu Verzögerungen von 2-3 Tagen kommen. Es kann immer mal zu Verzögerungen im Versand kommen, die wir leider nicht beeinflussen können. Wir tun aber unser Bestes, im ständigen Austausch mit dem Versanddienstleister die Ware so schnell wie möglich zu euch zu bringen.

Liefer- und Versandbedingungen TT-Platten

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Versand TT-Platten nach Deutschland durch DHL:

  • Home Delivery Service (2-Mann-Handling)
  • Bis zur ersten verschließbaren Tür (Ausnahme: K15, bis Bordsteinkante)
  • Anlieferung erfolgt zwischen 8 und 16 Uhr
  • inklusive telefonischer Avisierung

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Die Versandkostenpauschale beträgt 5,99 Euro bei einem Bestellwert unter 99 Euro. Die Versandkostenpauschale enthält die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer. Da die Mehrwertsteuer auf die Versandkostenpauschale abhängig von den erworbenen Waren berechnet wird, kann sie sich mindern, wenn Waren zu niedrigeren Umsatzsteuersätzen erworben werden (z.B. bei Erwerb von Büchern). Das bedeutet, dass die Versandkostenpauschale erst im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses endgültig berechnet werden kann. Sie kann dabei jedoch nicht höher, sondern nur zu euren Gunsten niedriger werden.

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