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Qeridoo QUPA 1 single-seater bicycle trailer - blue 2023

€348,00 EUR
€348,00 EUR €500,00 EUR
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Qeridoo Bicycle Trailer Single Seater Blue

With the Qeridoo bike trailers you can take your child safely and comfortably on your bike. Whether on an excursion or the daily trip to kindergarten, safety is the top priority when transporting your child in the Qeridoo buggy. The buggy can be used as a pushchair or as a bike trailer. You can choose between the different colors to suit your taste: lime - gray - blue. The newest member of the Qeridoo family is not only the ideal companion for strolling, walking or cycling, the QUPA1 is the perfect combination of comfort and safety in its price segment.

QUPA 1 - The buggy entry-level model

The QUPA 1 buggy from Qeridoo is ideal as an entry-level model and will accompany you everywhere. As a single-seater, the bike trailer is suitable for one child. The QUPA 1 model offers the most important functions, coupled with the proven safety system. Switch between buggy and trailer system in no time at all. The bike trailer is also suitable for e-bikes.
Qeridoo QUPA1 inside

Maximum safety thanks to 5-point harness

To ensure that your child is firmly seated in the buggy at all times and during every movement, a restraint system with 5-point safety belts is installed in every Qeridoo trailer. In addition, all bicycle trailers have rear impact protection, reflectors on the wheels, cover and hood and a reinforced aluminum frame with floor protection. The center of gravity of the trailer is lowered for safe roadholding. The strollers are constructed in accordance with DIN EN 15918 / EN1888 and are tested for harmful substances.

The Qeridoo Buggy grows with you

The Qeridoo grows with your child so that you can use it throughout the different stages of life. The seat, belts and push handles can be individually adjusted. Compatible car seat shells are available so that you can put your toddler directly from the car into the buggy. Retrofittable hammocks and baby seats are available for babies.
Qeridoo Baby Car Seat Square

Maximum comfort even on long journeys

The Qeridoo strollers are suitable for short and long distances. The hard rubber buggy wheel and damping system absorb shocks on unpaved surfaces. The 360-degree buggy wheel and drawbar with universal coupling allow you to switch between trailer mode and buggy in no time at all. The height-adjustable push handle allows the buggy to be individually adjusted. To transport snacks, drinks and toys, you can simply use the mesh compartment in the trunk and the mesh pockets in the cabin. Is it going downhill? No problem, because the hand parking brake secures the QUPA exactly where you want it to be. The 3-in-1 hood makes the stroller a reliable partner in any weather. For example, the insect protection net provides ventilation in summer, the rain cover keeps moisture away and the height-adjustable privacy screen lets your child sleep wonderfully even when the sun is shining. [accordion] [accordion-item title="Additional features"]
  • head protector function
  • 3-in-1 canopy (insect protection, sun protection and splash protection)
  • leaf spring damping system
  • restraint system with 5-point safety belts
  • hand parking brake
  • wheel deflectors with sliding function
  • device for hammock / baby seat
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title="Scope of delivery"]
  • Cabin + axle with brake cable
  • hood with sun protection
  • with hand strap
  • 20" wheel (2x)
  • hard rubber buggy wheel
  • wheel deflectors (2x)
  • drawbar + coupling + reducer M5
  • pennant
  • LED rear light (excl. batteries)
  • Velcro
  • sleeve screw (1x)
  • Allen key size 4 (2x)
  • user manual
  • warranty card
[/accordion-item] [/accordion]

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Die Versandkostenpauschale beträgt 5,99 Euro bei einem Bestellwert unter 99 Euro. Die Versandkostenpauschale enthält die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer. Da die Mehrwertsteuer auf die Versandkostenpauschale abhängig von den erworbenen Waren berechnet wird, kann sie sich mindern, wenn Waren zu niedrigeren Umsatzsteuersätzen erworben werden (z.B. bei Erwerb von Büchern). Das bedeutet, dass die Versandkostenpauschale erst im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses endgültig berechnet werden kann. Sie kann dabei jedoch nicht höher, sondern nur zu euren Gunsten niedriger werden.

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