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BERG PlayBase Medium Horizontal Bar/High Bar with Wooden Swing Seat & Trapeze

€1.393,00 EUR
€1.393,00 EUR
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  • Größe "Medium": 285x100x245
  • Hier: Reck & Reck mit Holzschaukelsitz & Trapez
  • 12 verschieden Zubehör-Artikel optional verfügbar
  • Einfach eingraben - kein Beton nötig
  • Klick System zum schnellen Wechseln
  • Rahmen: Pulverbeschichtet
  • Herstellergarantie: bis zu 13 Jahre

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BERG PlayBase

Playing outdoors - a concept for the whole family

Stressful day? Then it's time to relax. If you want to have fun with the whole family playing sports, playing games and socializing, the BERG PlayBase is just the thing for you. A new, unique, multifunctional concept for outdoor play, packed into a high-quality and stylish piece of play equipment. A piece that is sure to look great in your garden.

Multifunctional concept

A strong and robust frame provides the basis. It has a modern and minimalist design and is equipped with a patented tube connection. The PlayBase is firmly embedded in the ground and thus forms a solid base for various uses. The frame is available in two different types and offers almost endless application possibilities. Discover for yourself what you can do with the BERG PlayBase . The choice is yours, decide for yourself whether you prefer the 380 cm wide large version or the 285 cm wide medium version. The depth and height of both frames are identical. Namely 100 cm deep and 245 cm high. Choose a staircase or a horizontal bar for the sides of the frame, or create a combination of both. Whatever you decide, a monkey bar, horizontal bar or staircase is always included.

Put together your own unique combination - the possibilities are endless.

Do you already know what your PlayBase will look like? You can already choose between 12 different accessories that you can simply change as you like. There will be many more accessories added in the future. If your child is still small, you can choose a nice swing or a nest swing from the Play range. If the children are older or you want to do a workout yourself, there is also a large selection of great sports accessories . Do you just want to relax or chill out? Then take a look at the Lounge range . Haven't found your favorite accessory yet? No problem, because many more accessories will be added in the future. Changing accessories is quick and easy!


Every day is a different adventure and every day is new. Small children will be happy in the baby swing and for older kids there are various other swings, a climbing net and you can even attach a climbing wall to the side. PlayBase: Years of unlimited fun for young and old are guaranteed here. And of course it's wonderful when you can relax again after all that stress. With the sturdy hammock, this is done in no time. In short: The BERG PlayBase is a completely new, unique concept with an incredible number of possibilities for your family. The BERG PlayBase means years of unlimited fun for young and old.

premium quality

The strong and robust frame has a modern and minimalist design and features a patented tube connection. The whole thing is firmly embedded in the ground and thus forms a solid base for the many accessories and options. For optimal corrosion protection, the steel frame is galvanized, covered with a special anti-corrosive coating and also powder-coated. It will last for years!

Minimalist design

The beautiful, minimalist design of the BERG PlayBase is characterized by its elegant geometric appearance, black powder-coated steel and natural accents of wood and rope. Compact in the above-ground area Thanks to the innovative underground frame design, the PlayBase requires much less space above ground than other climbing equipment. Stable underground This ingenious design makes it possible to build a stable and strong foundation with minimal excavation. This means that the BERG PlayBase is very stable without having to pour concrete. Please note: This PLAYBASE set only contains the accessories mentioned in the title. * Climbing net M only suitable for medium frame | ** Climbing net L only suitable for large frame | ***Lounge mat only suitable for large frame [embed][/embed]

Länge 285 cm

Breite 100 cm

hoehe 245 cm

Nutzergewicht 400 kg

Altersempfehlung 3-99 Jahre

Marke BERG

hoehe ca. 6 Stunden inkl. Erdarbeiten

Artikelgewicht 103,70 kg

Farbe Schwarz

TÜV Ja nach CE/EN71

Gewerbliche Nutzung Nein

Rahmengröße Medium

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